25 Ways People Waste Their Money in Retirement

When people retire, they want to relax, move to a quiet neighborhood, and spend the money they’ve worked hard to save their entire lives.

With high inflation and an increasingly competitive real estate market, seniors need to be more careful with how they’re spending their hard-earned cash.

Not Taking Advantage of Senior Discounts

One area that seniors might be missing out on saving money is senior discounts.

Check Out Some Public Attractions

Most museums and other public attractions offer a senior discount for people ages 65+.

Spending Too Much on Adult Children

Most people love their children, but one shouldn’t have to bear the burden of supporting their adult children using their retirement money. In fact, it should be the other way around.

Buying a Brand New Car

Buying a brand new luxury car isn’t a smart investment for anyone, but especially for someone who isn’t in the workforce anymore and likely never will be again.

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