Don’t Retire To Something. Retire On Something

If you’ve read any advice related to early or standard retirement, you have encountered the following mantra: “Don’t retire From something. Retire To something.”

Retire on your own terms. Leave when you’re good and ready, not when someone else decides it’s best for you to move on.

Retire On Something

Retire with your better half. If you’ve achieved FI as a couple, you’ll probably want to enter the next chapter together, as well.

Retire With Something

Retire from the obligation of paid work. While the common quote begins with “Don’t retire from something,” that’s exactly what you’ll be doing. Embrace your newfound freedom.

Retire From Something

Retire under the impression that you’re making the right choice. If you turn out to be wrong, you can always return to paid work someday.

Retire Under Something

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