The 20 Best Bullet Journal Ideas 

A bullet journal is one of the best ways to keep track of your thoughts and organize your life. You don’t even need to be into journaling to get started with it. All you really need is a notebook (and maybe some stickers) and you can start bullet journaling today.

Getting Started with Bullet Journaling

That being said, getting started with bullet journaling might be easy, but having good bullet journal ideas is a different task altogether.

From using your bullet journal for time-management to jotting down your deadlines in your journal, there are simply too many good bullet journal ideas out there for you to try. In this post, you’ll find 20 unique bullet journal ideas that you can try out and implement.

Habit Tracker

According to Healthline, it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a habit. Why not make this process easier for yourself by tracking your habits in your bullet journal?

Wish Board

One of the coolest bullet journal spread ideas is to turn a couple pages into a customized wish board. Sure, spreads about school and assignments are useful, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to open your bullet journal and see all your dreams and wishes laid out in one neat design.

Goal Setting

There are tons of ways you can design your bullet journal to fit your goals. You can simply jot down all of your goals on one page and call it a day. Or you can set up a goal tracker to track the progress you’ve made on all your goals.

Budget Tracker

Good bullet journal ideas should be both fun and practical. A budget tracker truly takes the cake in both of these avenues. When most people think of a budget, they picture a fancy computer software or app with tons of crazy charts and graphs. In reality, a paper planner will work just as well.

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