15 of the Dumbest Things Women Confessed To Spending Their Money On

Have you ever spent money and immediately regretted your purchase? You’ve got company. After someone asked the women of a small internet forum what their stupidest purchases were, these are the top-voted responses.
1. Cloth Diapers
The most upvoted individual sheepishly let us know she gave into buying cloth diapers because they loved the prints. However, she lacked help from her husband, and the work was too much. “I don’t think they’re dumb. I think I was dumb for buying them.” Conversely, many users were happy to share that cloth diapers make for some excellent burp rags.
2. An Ex Husband’s DUI
While still married, someone paid for their former – no wonder – husband’s drinking-under-the-influence charges. “I should have let him rot.” It cost nearly $6000, including lawyer’s fees, court costs, and the ticket itself. Despite this, the lesson on drinking and driving didn’t sink in for this serial offender.
3. A Designer Shirt
A fashionista confessed in their 20s, being obsessed with fashion designers. She loved a “blood red satin shirt with giant poofy shoulders and a super long neckerchief that you had to tie in a bow.” So she worked hard at losing significant weight to accommodate wearing the shirt. However, she explained it looked ridiculous in the real world versus the runway and cost way too much money. So finally, she donated it to charity after three failed attempts at wearing it well.
4. Clothes From Shein
Shein has come under recent fire because of poor labor conditions and their contribution to the “fast fashion” industry. In addition, many women complained about the material and stitching of the clothing, noting the fit is never accurate. Additionally, they have found elevated levels of lead, phthalates, formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals in the clothing. Others lamented it was not worth the guilt of “participating in fast fashion.”
5. Elden Ring
Several gamers feel somewhat disenchanted with the fantasy franchise Elden Ring. Many people in the thread complained about feeling lost. This is especially true for gamers new to the franchise. They claim the game is unforgiving; it’s easy to be taken out with just one hit.
The good news is that it does become enjoyable once you’ve learned through trial and error—furthermore, a played guided newbies to the Elden Ring Wiki, where there is a step-by-step guide.
6. Designer Sunglasses
One woman confessed to paying $300 for designer Tiffany sunglasses, only to drop and scratch them within five minutes of purchase. Another admitted to spending $300 on Chanel frames that scratched and scarred the skin on her cheekbones.
7. Alcohol
The number of people in the thread that explained the copious amounts of alcohol they’ve consumed and the substantial cost of the indulgence is alarming. Some suggest drinking at home is much cheaper than bars and club nightlife. Furthermore, you keep it safe by staying off the roads while drinking.
8. Herbalife
Oof. Herbalife is an MLM scam many people have fallen victim to in recent years. One woman explained signing up for overpriced vitamins and having the rep sign her up for a year subscription! After realizing what the Herbalife hun had done, she called. But, unfortunately, they acted as though reversing the order and charges were impossible. UGH! MLMs make me so angry. I once “helped a friend” be a tester for It Works vitamins for three months. A few days before the third month, I informed her I had no interest in the vitamins. They weren’t making my hair and nails what they alleged they would be. So imagine my surprise when I was charged the total price on month four out of nowhere for another bottle. So I messaged the hun, and she said, “Oh, it must not have been processed when I canceled. You’re not the only one. I think my computer is defective.” Then she laughed it off like it was no big deal that I was out of the money and might need to wait 30 days for a refund! What a dumb lie and terrible “business” *cough cough* practices. She blocked me on social media and acted like a victim because I called her out privately. She made it public. MLMs suck!
9. Diet and Weight Loss Gimmicks
Many in the thread confessed to wasting money on diet and weight loss supplements, shakes, programs, pills, and plans. Furthermore, it was noted that there is no magic pill for health. Exercise and healthy eating are the only things that will realistically and safely give you desired results that will stick because it’s a lifestyle change. NOT a “miracle” thing.
10. Gym Membership
Okay, this is an infuriating business practice, and it’s done to hinder cancellations. Several users confessed to having gym memberships that required cancellation in person. One signed up right before COVID hit years ago. Ultimately, they moved away, and the gym refused to cancel unless it was in person! The user confessed to paying $10 monthly still. Hey buddy, call your bank and stop the payment.
11. Designer Handbags
Someone spent $3500 on a Louis Vuitton purse and regretted splurging on such a foolish indulgence. Other women agreed that paying for designer handbags was one of their stupidest purchases regarding the cost.
12. That Lirika Matoshi Strawberry Dress
Do you all remember the Lirika Matoshi Strawberry Dress that took the internet by storm a few years ago? It was so viral Tess Holiday had one specially made for her, and the internet went nuts. One user admitted spending a hefty $500 for it, despite it collecting dust in her closet. She never wore it!
13. Dyson Airwrap
The Dyson Airwrap also comes with a $500 price tag, leaving this woman less than impressed when it didn’t curl her hair as claimed. “I only use the blow dryer and smoothing attachment. They are the only two that work for me.”
14. Toddler Modeling Agency
A mother confessed to regretting falling for a toddler agency modeling scam that cost her $500. “I was a young, apparently dumb, mother at the time.”
15. A Coat
Finally, many women confessed to wasting money on past relationships. One shared that her ex-boyfriend wanted this $100 coat so badly that it was all never talked about until she got it. Then, he only wore it once! One time I did the same thing. I saw a jacket that Phoebe Buffay wore on Friends for “clearance” at JC Penney’s for $100. Only, I never wore it. Good times!
This thread inspired this thread.
This article was produced and syndicated by Parent Portfolio.