Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School Review + Rating

Welcome to my Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing School review!
With so many make money online scams out there, it’s refreshing to come across legitimate opportunities every so often. Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School is one such example. Let’s find out how this exceptional course stands out from the pack in this detailed review…
Product Name:Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing SchoolFounder: Michelle Schroeder-GardnerProduct Type: Online Affiliate Marketing CoursePrice: $197Best For: Newbie bloggers who want to monetize their blog.
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Summary: Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School is an in-depth online course developed by 7-figure award-winning blogger, Michelle Schroeder-Gardner. The course’s goal is to help new or inexperienced bloggers earn money through affiliate marketing. It’s very thorough, guiding students step-by-step through affiliate marketing basics. It’s obvious that Michelle put a lot of thought into creating it.Rating: 9/10Recommended:Yes
Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing School is a highly detailed online affiliate marketing course for fledgling bloggers. For the $197 price tag (most master classes cost between $500 and $1,000), it provides great value, with a wealth of lessons including how affiliate marketing works, required disclosures and choosing the right affiliate products to promote. The course now enrolls about 1,000 students.
Michelle Schroeder-Gardner is a renowned 29-year-old, 7-figure financial blogger. She’s considered to be one of the best in her field. Michelle helms the wildly successfully personal finance blog, Making Sense Of Cents, which earned $1 million in 2016. Her path toward wealth and recognition began with massive debt and a ball-and-chain day job.
After earning two undergraduate business degrees and a master’s in finance, Michelle was suffocating under $38,000 of student loan debt. Amazingly, she paid it off in a mere seven months. How did she do it? She focused on how much she could earn instead of how much she owed.
At the time, Michelle was making $50,000 as a financial analyst. She decided to see how much she could amass outside her day job, doing paid surveys and even mystery shopping. The biggest profit came from the blog she started in 2011, her now-famous Making Sense Of Cents.
“It took around six months to make my first $100 from the blog,” Michelle says, “but once I realized I could make money from it, it grew pretty quickly.”
Michelle was consumed by a desire to make the blog succeed. She would work on it early in the morning, late at night, on vacation days and even during lunch breaks at her job. It paid off. By 2013, her blog was pulling in $10,000 a month. Buh-bye day job!
Now she earns over $100,000 a month. In September 2018, she made an impressive $104,814.93. Here’s how she monetized her blog that month:
- Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing generated $65,438.93. Affiliate marketing is her main source of income.
- Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Course: $24,243
- Sponsorships and Advertising: $12,700
- Display Advertising: $2,433
Michelle is a highly respected entrepreneur who has been featured on many acclaimed websites including:
Making Sense Of Cents has received numerous awards and mentions including:
- Blogtrepreneur
- Plutus Awards
- Zillow’s Blog of the Week
- WiseBread
Michelle isn’t a Clickbank queen. She doesn’t robotically fire off a blitz of sleazy, inferior products repedling the same thing with different names/packaging (ahem, like this course, for example). I also like that she’s very transparent. Michelle has a Terms and Conditions of Use page that lists her full address (110 E. Center Street PMB 418, Madison, South Dakota 57042) and contact info (
Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School teaches the basics of affiliate marketing in a single information-packed course. Affiliate marketing is a means of earning commissions by selling other people’s products. As an affiliate marketer, your job is to promote a product or service online and earn a chunk of the revenue for each sale you make.Of course, this is a very simplified description of affiliate marketing. Much, much more work and strategizing goes into it, which can be particularly daunting for a newbie who has the desire to become an affiliate marketer but doesn’t know where to begin.Here’s where Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School comes in. Michelle knows what it’s like to start with nothing. She’s learned from her mistakes and is now in a position to differentiate helpful information from plain old BS.By melding these personal insights and experiences, she crafted a product based on pure, useful knowledge.
A Word About the Cost
As far as online courses go, the $197 price tag is middle of the road. Quite honestly, it’s a fair price for the amount of valuable information offered. Another incredibly appealing aspect of Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School is that there are absolutely no upsells.There isn’t an “entry fee,” followed by fees to access the course materials once you’re in. There isn’t a dire warning to “sign up fast because available spaces are filling up!” There aren’t any pressure tactics about having to sign up by a particular time before the “discounted price” ratchets back up to the “regular price.” Nor will you find any fly-by-night MLM grifting.Michelle doesn’t do any of that stuff. She markets things without selling her soul or hawking bad products. And there’s absolutely no fluff or filler, just meat. That’s pretty stand-up of Michelle, in my book.Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School doesn’t simply throw cheesy, mediocre Clickbank junk at you. It’s a real course that provides real value through concise, methodically organized lessons. Each of these step-by-step lessons is mindful of a newbie’s level of marketing experience, without talking down to him/her. Michelle doesn’t teach a formula. She teaches a strategy.
Course Breakdown
Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School contains six modules, broken down into 30 lessons, 20 worksheets, and many bonuses. Here’s the course overview:
Module 1: What is Affiliate Marketing?Module 2: How to Find and Apply to Affiliate ProgramsModule 3: Follow the RulesModule 4: How to Get Your Readers to ConvertModule 5: Strategies and Ways to Promote Affiliate LinksModule 6: Rinse and Repeat
- BONUS 1: (worth $250): Access to Michelle’s VIP Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Facebook Mastermind group. This is a dynamic forum where members can ask questions and exchange information.It’s a great place to connect with others, and many famous bloggers such as Carly Campbell, Emma Bates, Lena Gott, and Gina Horkey are there too.
- BONUS 2: (worth $100): Free group coaching lessons. Two Saturdays a month, Michelle leads a group coaching session called “Ask Michelle Saturday” in the Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School VIP Facebook group.
- BONUS 3: How to Drive Thousands of Visitors to Your Blog with Pinterest (jam-packed with details)
- BONUS 4: How to Always Get Approved to an Affiliate Program
- BONUS 5: Nine Things You Must Do When Something Goes Viral
- BONUS 6: How to Increase Your Page Views
- BONUS 7: My Affiliate Products and Services
- BONUS 8: The Perfect Affiliate Link Checklist
- BONUS 9: How to Maximize Your Reach, Your Impact and Your Revenue with Facebook Ads *NEW*!
- BONUS 10: Editing and Writing Strategies That Will Take Your Content to the Next Level *NEW*!
Michelle also has many marketing strategies she openly shares, including:
- The Top 10 Strategy: This lesson describes how you can go back through your top posts and tweak them to ramp up your earnings. This strategy works well for people with a lot of content on their blog.
- The Bonus Strategy: In this lesson, you’ll learn why you should add a bonus to every affiliate product you sell and how to do it.
- The Tutorial Strategy: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create powerful tutorials to sell affiliate products that relate to your niche. This was Michelle’s top-earning strategy.
Course Format
Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School is text-based. If you’re more of a video/audio learner, this may not be your style. The lessons, however, are filled with bullet points, headings and short paragraphs, so they’re easy to consume.
The instructions are sort of like a series of in-depth blog posts. Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School focuses on how to authentically promote affiliate links without alienating your audience or destroying your ability to face yourself in the mirror.
The course is self-paced and has lifetime accessibility, so you can refer to the lessons indefinitely. You can digest the material as quickly or as slowly as you want.
This is great if you’re always on the go. Michelle keeps her finger on the pulse of her program. She often adds new content to keep up with her students’ needs (for free!)
Courses are listed on the left-hand side of your dashboard, allowing you to easily jump around and study whichever lesson you want. The program encourages you to learn them in order since each lesson builds upon the last. But if you want to jump around, jump around! You can even head over to the bonus section first if you can’t resist. The system lets you do that.
Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School isn’t designed to be merely read and forgotten. It supplies worksheets and action items so you can devise an actual marketing strategy.
The $197 fee instills accountability in you. After you’ve spent money on a course — especially one that costs almost $200 (although it does frequently go on sale) — you’re going to work harder to absorb that info to get the most out of the course.
A Word About the Money Back Guarantee
The course does have a 30-day money back guarantee. That said, to qualify, you’ll also need to prove you’ve taken the course before the $197 will be credited back on your bank statement.
Michelle explains it like this: “You must show me that you went through the course and took action because none of the tips and methods I share will work without you taking the time to implement them.”
This is one of the few aspects of Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School I disagree with. What if you’re halfway through and don’t want to continue because you just don’t like it? What if you realize you can’t really learn without video instruction? Or what if you have an emergency, and you need the money back? What if you have buyer’s remorse?
How does she quantify and know you took action? I mean, what type/amount of action makes the grade?
Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School will provide novices with an avalanche of information about affiliate marketing. Lots of good information. Lots of actionable information. Keep in mind though, that it’s not a build-a-blog course. It’s for affiliate marketing beginners who already have a blog.The course is for people who want to learn the very basics of affiliate marketing and grow from there. It’s for students who prefer text-based courses to video courses and who enjoy learning by collaborating with others.Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School is not a “plug and play” or “secret system” or one that promises you can rival Warren Buffett overnight. It’s for people who genuinely want to learn and apply themselves, possibly for a fair amount of time, and acquire knowledge.
You can definitely make money with Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School. Yes, there’s a learning curve, but that’s to be expected from a course that helps you transition from complete newbie to capable affiliate marketer.You won’t make $100,000 (at least not right away), but you will see an upsurge in your income as months go by. Michelle promises that by taking her course you’ll “grow a profitable blog quicker than the average blogger, as you’ll learn exactly what you need to know about affiliate marketing.”A lot of people pitch affiliate income as “passive,” but I disagree. You have to put in the work of actually implementing the lessons of the course, while simultaneously growing your site in other areas.The effort you’re willing to put into growing your affiliate income is up to you. Your results will reflect that work. The old “you’ll get out what you put in” is true. There’s no such thing as plug-and-play or automated income that plumps up your bank account while you sleep. You’ll still be doing the heavy lifting. Michelle just gives you the right tools to build with in this course.Michelle’s website is filled with many testimonials — genuine testimonials — from power bloggers praising the course’s effectiveness, including:
- “My income rose 40 percent and has since quadrupled only four months after working with Michelle! My income was $6,469.50 before I talked to her, immediately jumped to $9,362.64 the next month and is now $24,680.25 (four months later) and climbing!” — Rosemarie Groner (budget guru), TheBusyBudgeter
- “Since taking Michelle’s course five months ago, my affiliate marketing income has grown from an average of $272.94 per month to $4,400.19 per month. That’s more than 1,500 percent growth! Within just five quick months, I’ve made more than $21,000 directly from the affiliate marketing tips in this course. I made more than $10,000 in just March 2017 alone!” Saira Perl, Blogger, MomResource
What if YOU want to become an affiliate marketer for Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School? Well, you’ll have to have studied this course first. Then you’ll earn a 40 percent commission on every course purchased.
Members of Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School almost unanimously — yes, unanimously! — agree that this course is sensational. They say that amidst the glut of affiliate marketing programs out there, Michelle’s is a standout because it’s filled with a wealth of concrete, actionable information presented in easy-to-understand, newbie-friendly portions.
Members love the exceptionally detailed course modules and free bonus content, and they appreciate seeing the information regularly updated. One of the reasons they plunked down $197 is that Michelle Schroeder-Gardner is a reputable blogger widely known for her integrity, intelligence, business savvy, and transparency. Her income statements are real. They’re not doctored screenshots.
The Facebook VIP area is popular and considered to be a great source of information. Twice a month she has an “Ask Michelle Saturday” Facebook session where she directly interacts with her students. Many said she responds when directly emailed.
Members found only a few drawbacks. First, they thought the course wouldn’t be a good fit for intermediate or advanced affiliate marketers. Second, the entire course is text-based, which those who prefer video instruction found unappealing.
Third, members were a bit surprised to learn that customers already need to have an existing blog to implement what they’d learned. They were also taken aback by the strings-attached 30-day money back guarantee, although they questioned whether that carried weight.
- The course isn’t a scam. It’s offered by the prominent, highly respected super-blogger, Michelle Schroeder-Gardner. She has an unblemished record of expert blogging, as well as professional mentions and awards.
- Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School provides a wealth of information packed into six modules. You also get juicy bonuses and access to a supportive, informative VIP Facebook area where you can promote your content and get help.
- The material is presented in a format newbies can understand and implement.
- Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School is a high-quality product.
- Michelle offers a 30-day money back guarantee.
- The course is strictly text-based. It’s not for you if you prefer video-based courses.
- It doesn’t delve into specific niches.
- It’s not for you if you’re an intermediate or advanced affiliate marketer.
- There may be strings attached to the money back guarantee.
Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School is a high-quality, information-dense course. It’s in tune with the needs of affiliate marketing newbies, leading them through understandable, actionable lessons. It was created by Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, a well-known, well-respected, established blogger whose name and blogging history give the course credibility.
I highly recommend Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School. It provides genuine tools that will generate genuine results.
As I mentioned, there are a few important things Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School doesn’t include, which may be a deal breaker for a newbie…
- No video tutorials – Text is fine to explain basic concepts, but when it comes to implementation, video works best.
- No tech support – Most likely, you’re going to run into problems getting your operation set up, something which Michelle’s course doesn’t help with.
- No tools – You’re going to have to rely on several 3rd-party tools to get your website up and running.
- Limited support community – Facebook groups are fine, but it’s not the best medium to connect with other like-minded folks. For one thing, finding answers to questions in Facebook threads can take forever!
If you want world-class training that offers EVERYTHING Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing School does PLUS video tutorials, fast tech support, 24/7 community, and all the tools you’d need to get your business off the ground, then I’d highly encourage you to check out this program instead.
What do you think of this Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing School review? Leave your questions and comments below!