Does Nutramigen Have Side Effects?
Nutramigen is a hypoallergenic formula recommended for babies with a sensitive digestive system. Pediatricians recommend this formula because it cures colic, lactose intolerance, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, hives, and any other reactions suffered by babies due to drinking cow milk formula within 48 hours. However, it has disadvantages, and most parents complain of Nutramigen sleeping problems.
Nutramigen Sleeping Problems Explained!
Most parents complain that their babies sleep less after switching to Nutramigen, which does not happen with any other formula. Most babies change to an inconsistent sleeping pattern that interrupts their routine.
Parents are frustrated by this behavior because getting a baby to stick to a routine takes a lot of time and energy. Babies adjust differently to a new formula, and therefore, you do not have to panic if your baby’s sleep pattern is interrupted. The good news is that your baby will be back to normal sleeping pattern as soon as the body gets used to Nutramigen.
What’s more, while it is true that Nutramigen affects the sleeping routine of some babies, other reasons might result in the same. Therefore, before blaming it all on Nutramigen, consider all other possible reasons that might be causing your baby’s lack of sleep because it might not be the formula.
If you ascertain that it is indeed the formula causing your baby’s lack of sleep, give their bodies time to adjust. If the issues exceed two weeks, consult your pediatrician for options.
Other Nutramigen side effects on babies
Digestive issues
Nutramigen is a hypoallergenic formula. This means that the proteins present are hydrolyzed. In simple words, the proteins are broken down into tiny pieces for easy digestion. While this works well for some babies, babies with extreme cow milk allergies will still not be able to digest Nutramigen.
It is confusing to list diarrhea as a side effect of Nutramigen because many parents buy it to cure diarrhea. The digestive system of babies varies, and therefore while it cures diarrhea for some, it can cause it for babies suffering from extreme cow milk allergy.
If your baby starts to have diarrhea after switching to Nutramigen, it could be the cause, but you also need to rule out other issues that cause diarrhea in babies.
Most babies tend to vomit after the first feed of Nutramigen because of its unpleasant taste. What’s more, Nutramigen is thinner than regular formula, which triggers vomiting in some babies. As your baby gets used to it, vomiting will go away. If the vomiting persists, consult with your doctor.
Dehydration after switching to Nutramigen is caused by excess diarrhea, vomiting, and loose stool. While it is common for babies to pass a loose stool after switching to a hypoallergenic formula, you should be careful with the extent because dehydration creeps on newborns very fast and is fatal.
Diaper rash
Diapers mainly cause diaper rash, but formula too can lead to diaper rash. Do not fret when you see the reddish coloration on the baby’s bum after switching formula. However, it should disappear within 14 days.
Like diaper rash, formula rash can be prevented and treated by changing the diaper regularly and applying generous amounts of reputable diaper rash creams.
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Weight loss
If you have been feeding your baby a different formula, there is a possibility that they might refuse Nutramigen at first and therefore lose some weight.
Babies prefer one formula over the other because they have different tastes. If your baby spits out Nutramigen at the first attempt, they probably do not like it. However, do not go back to the old formula; stick to their feeding schedule with Nutramigen, and in no time, they will love it.
Eczema is a reaction to cow milk allergy, which hypoallergenic formulas like Nutramigen can solve. So you might be wondering how come, Nutramigen causes eczema.
Nutramigen has corn as one of the ingredients, and therefore it causes eczema in babies with corn allergies. However, ready-to-feed Nutramigen contains less corn, so if your baby reacts to the powder form, you might try it. Note that ready-to-feed Nutramigen is more costly.
Nutramigen is an effective formula for treating colic, acid reflux, diarrhea, and related issues in babies suffering from cow milk allergies and lactose intolerance. However, you must be aware of the possible side effects.
Everything with advantages has disadvantages, and the Nutramigen formula is no exception. The good news is that most of the side effects discussed above are short-lived and result from the body getting used to the Nutramigen. Therefore, give your baby some time to adjust but consult your pediatrician for options if the side effects last more than two weeks.
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FAQ on Nutramigen sleeping problems
How long does it take the baby to adjust to Nutramigen?
Most babies adjust to Nutramigen in 3 to 5 days. However, it might take longer for babies on a sweeter formula before the switch. Prepare small portions during the transition phase and expect weight loss. As the baby gets used to the new diet, they will feed more and gain weight.
What are the side effects of Nutramigen?
When your baby switches to Nutramigen, you might notice loose stool, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, diaper rash, eczema, sleeplessness, and dehydration in extreme cases. While these side effects are normal for most babies, consult with your doctor if they last for more than 14 days. Also, the side effects depend on the baby.
How do I know if my baby is allergic to Nutramigen?
Nutramigen contains hydrolyzed milk proteins. If the baby suffers from cow milk allergy, the body will recognize the broken proteins and produce allergen antibodies in its defense. The antibodies trigger an allergic reaction with symptoms like eczema, diaper rash, diarrhea, and hives.
How long does it take for Nutramigen to work?
Nutramigen is advertised to cure colic, hives, eczema, diarrhea, and other allergic symptoms within 48 hours. Parents who have used Nutramigen backup these by saying that their baby’s colic cries and reflux went down within the advertised time. However, babies are different; this might not be your experience.
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Where can I purchase Nutramigen?
Nutramigen baby formula is readily available in all formula stores. It does not require doctor’s prescription, so you can walk into a store and buy it. Also, you can buy it online on Amazon or your favorite online grocery store.
Does insurance cover Nutramigen?
The price of Nutramigen is twice or thrice the price of regular cow milk formula. And therefore, it is not affordable for many parents. Due to the high cost, some insurance companies cover the cost of Nutramigen. Therefore, consult your insurance agent for coverage details if your doctor recommends it for your baby.
For your insurance company to take over formula, they might ask for a recommendation from your pediatrician stating that the formula is necessary for your baby’s health. Also, they will ask for documents to verify that your baby cannot take another formula and for how long they will be on it.
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