Why Does Similac Make Babies Constipated

Has your doctor recommended Similac Alimentum because regular formula is causing your baby constipation? This article will look at the properties that make Similac Alimentum constipation free.
Similac alimentum is a hypoallergenic formula that contains pre-digested milk proteins which are easy to digest. The formula is not dairy-free, but the milk proteins are broken down for easy digestion. It is recommended for lactose intolerant babies.
As a parent, you must ensure that your baby gets the proper nutrition, whether through breastmilk or formula. New-borns can only feed on milk, but some cannot take breast milk or certain types of formula because they suffer from milk protein allergies or lactose intolerance.
If you decide to formula feed your child, it is crucial to pick the right formula. Most new parents assume that selecting the right baby formula is an easy task because there are many brands on the market.
On the contrary, the variety makes the selection process daunting. Purchasing baby formula does not entail walking in a store and picking the first brand you come across. The digestive system of some babies cannot process lactose, and that is why some babies have to use the easy Similac Alimentum.
If you are a new parent, you must be wondering how to tell if your baby is having digestive issues due to the formula they are taking.
New-borns only communicate through crying, and you should be able to differentiate between normal and abnormal cry. If your baby cries for more than three hours in a day with disturbing movements, they might be suffering from colic or digestion issues. Here are symptoms that show that your baby may be suffering from lactose intolerance:
- Excess crying, commonly known as colic
- Constipation
- Severe diarrhoea
- Poor sleep
- Rashes
- Reflux
- Irritability after feeding
If your baby is consistently showing these symptoms, they are mostly reacting to the formula you are feeding, and it would be best to switch to another formula. However, before the switch, consult with your paediatrician for a diagnosis.
If your baby is diagnosed with milk protein intolerance, the paediatrician will recommend Similac Alimentum formula whose proteins are broken down, making it easy for the baby’s digestive system.
If you are a new parent and reading about Similac Alimentum for the first time, come with us to the next section for a detailed review.
Similac Alimentum Review
Similac Alimentum is a hypoallergenic formula that comes in a purple can. It comes in powder form, which should be mixed with water, and a ready-made feed that does not require preparation. This gives you an option to choose what works best for you.
Similac Alimentum is hypoallergenic and lactose free. This means that its milk protein is broken down into small pieces allowing the sensitive digestion system of the baby to handle it. While all babies can use the milk, it is specially formulated for babies with cow milk protein allergies.
The ready-to-feed formula is corn-free and contains all necessary nutrients for the baby’s wholesome development. Some of these nutrients include DHA for brain development, lutein which enhances the development of the eyes, Vitamin E and iron for whole-body development.
What’s more, Similac Alimentum is the most recommended brand by a paediatrician for lactose intolerant babies. Once your baby starts feeding from a paediatrician, the undesirable side effects disappear within two days.
The only downside of this formula is that it is highly priced hence not affordable to all. Its price is double or triple the price of regular formula. Therefore, you might not be able to afford it if you are on a budget. If this is the case, try another generic baby formula to see if they work on your baby.
Pros of Similac Alimentum
- Gentle on the digestive system of lactose intolerant babies
- The formula is easily accessible in stores near you and most online stores
- Relieves babies of colic, constipation, diarrhoea, and other digestive complications within 48 hours
- Reduces spit-up during burping because it is easy on the baby’s stomach
Cons of Similac Alimentum
- More expensive than regular baby formula
- Some babies resist its strong smell and taste
- Babies might develop rashes if the formula comes into contact with their skin
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Does Similac Alimentum formula cause constipation?
Similac Alimentum does not cause constipation because it is hypoallergenic. This means that it contains small milk proteins which the sensitive baby’s digestive system can digest.
The formula is suggested for lactose-intolerant babies because their system cannot break down milk proteins hence constipation, and other side effects.
Breast and cow milk contains lactose sugar, which should be broken down by an enzyme in the digestive system called lactase. Some babies do not have enough lactase enzyme to break down this sugar, resulting in colic, constipation, gassy stomach, and stomach pains.
Because the lactose in Similac Alimentum formula is already broken down, the digestive system does not have to break it further. It is the indigestion of lactose that causes constipation. Therefore, your baby will not go through it again because Similac Alimentum formula is free of lactose.
However, babies diagnosed with extreme levels of lactose intolerance can suffer constipation after using this formula. If that is your child, paediatricians encourage you to add fruits to the diet to ease constipation.
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What are the side effects of Similac Alimentum?
Similac Alimentum works perfectly on most babies, but it has some side effects. Some of the side effects listed on the formula packaging include:
- Excess thirsty
- Abnormal tiredness
- General body weakness
- Diarrhea might lead to dehydration if not treated immediately
- Wheezing
- Hives
- It can cause gas during the initial feeds, which goes away as the baby gets used to it.
Not all children experience these side effects, and some can be controlled. For instance, ensure that the formula in powder form is mixed as per the manufacturer’s guidelines to do away with diarrhoea.
Parents are advised to keep a close eye on babies after the formula switch because some of these symptoms, like diarrhoea and dehydration, take new-borns very fast.
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FAQs on Similac Alimentum constipation
Does Similac Alimentum help with colic or reflux?
Yes, Similac Alimentum is formulated to ease colic and reflux. Colic and reflux are caused by the digestive system’s inability to process milk proteins. Because the proteins in this formula are already broken down, the digestive system can digest the milk easily without discomfort.
Can I mix Similac Alimentum with the standard formula?
No, you should not mix Similac Alimentum with other formulas because you will be inviting the same side effects. If the baby has difficulty adjusting to the new formula, introduce it gradually until they get used to it.
Can I go back to a regular formula?
Yes, you can reintroduce formula with cow milk to babies but with the guidance of your paediatrician. However, suppose your baby responds with an immediate milk-type allergy reaction. In that case, you should stop with the regular formula immediately because their digestive system still cannot handle the whole proteins.
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