81 Powerful Abundance Affirmations to Help You Attract What You Want in Life

If you feel unsatisfied with your current situation, you may find it hard to break free of the cycle and live the life you truly want. Believe it or not, abundance affirmations can help you rewire your brain and bring the things you want into your life.
When you think back about the goals you’ve set for yourself this past year, what was your general attitude? Were you scared? Did you doubt your ability to achieve what your heart desired? Finally, did you feel there was never enough, like you fixated on the lack of whatever you were trying to achieve?
Many of these negative thoughts tend to come from a scarcity mindset. A scarcity mindset is when you are so obsessed with the lack of something you chase (like time or money) that you can’t focus on more important things, like your goals. So when you have a scarcity mindset, it’s common to think that you aren’t good enough or that your dreams are impossible to achieve.
At one point or another, we all had moments where we were in a scarcity mindset, and that’s okay. However, it isn’t okay to loathe in such a state. There are tools to get out of such negative spirals, like meditating, spending time with your loved ones, or even picking new hobbies or passions.
While it might be easy to blame yourself for a scarcity mindset entirely, human nature is inherently harmful. About 80% of our 50,000 daily subconscious thoughts are negative, meaning that our negative thoughts outnumber the positive ones by four to one. Furthermore, human emotions have a three-to-one negativity bias.
As a result, we recall negative emotions three times stronger than positive ones. This negativity is all subconscious! These unknowing tendencies lead you to a scarcity mindset, and the best way to fight them is through conscious, positive thinking.
How to Change Your Life with Abundance Affirmations
This article will cover one of the most powerful tools to encourage positive thinking. Abundance affirmations use the well-known adage that our thoughts create reality to promote a better mindset. When we think we aren’t good enough or fixate on what we don’t have, our beliefs about ourselves enter a spiral from which we can’t recover. Abundance affirmations do the opposite: they create a more positive self-image through short positive statements about ourselves.
By consciously shifting our thoughts in a more positive direction, we force our brain to pay attention to the optimistic view, creating positive emotions. A key caveat for affirmations to work is that they must have a certain level of truth.
Unless you are Jeff Bezos, repeating to yourself that you are the wealthiest person in the world won’t help you become more positive. Instead, try to repeat abundance affirmations every day that do hold some truth, whether that has to do with positive things about yourself today or some realistic goals you have for the future.
If practiced daily, affirmations can create an abundance mindset, where you become more aligned with your goals and motivated to achieve your dreams. Let’s get into some positive abundance affirmations to help transform your perspective!
81 Powerful Abundance Affirmations to Create a Positive Mindset
- I live a life of abundance.
- I attract loving and positive people into my life.
- I am abundant.
- Every day I attract wealth to me.
- Money continually flows into my life.
- My life is full of wealth opportunities.
- I am proud of myself and all that I have accomplished.
- I am constantly receiving unexpected opportunities.
- I was born to be abundant.
- I am more than my mistakes.
- I am worthy of love.
- I am capable of loving myself.
- I am grateful for my body because…
- Today will be prosperous.
- I am confident in my skin.
- I change the world with my abilities.
- I am worthy of the wealth I desire.
- I love to give money to a good home.
- I am open to receiving what is in the highest and best for all.
- I am open to sharing what is in the highest and best for all.
- I release all resistance to attracting money.
- I am financially free.
- I continually manifest abundance.
- Abundance is natural for me.
- I have more than enough.
- I am compassionate with others and myself.
- I see wealth opportunities everywhere.
- My income is continually increasing.
- I am loving and lovable.
- I am open to limitless possibilities.
- I am strong, brave, and confident
- I accept money in any form.
- I am a beautiful person, inside and out.
- I am capable of success and wealth.
- I am financially secure.
- Making money is easy and fun.
- I have everything I need to get the wealth I desire
- I have plenty of money.
- I choose happiness and abundance in my life.
- My finances are precise as they should be.
- My prosperous thoughts create a wealthy life.
- I am capable of prosperity.
- I am grateful for everything I have and everything I receive.
- I make lots of money every month.
- I quickly make ends meet.
- Wealth constantly flows in everything I do.
- I am genuine, graceful, and authentic.
- I deserve respect, love, and empathy.
- I am more than just my mistakes.
- I am lovable and loving.
- I can love myself.
- I am worthy of receiving love.
- I choose happiness over all else.
- I have made it this far and can keep going.
- My actions create constant wealth and prosperity for my loved ones.
- I am grateful for the wealth life offers.
- I choose faith over fear.
- I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
- I am proud of the person I am and the person I’m becoming.
- I receive unexpected money all the time.
- I am grateful for the abundance that’s on the way and my current abundance.
- I can achieve greatness.
- I choose the path of abundance and walk it every day.
- I continually make decisions that bring wealth into my life.
- All the abundance in the universe moves toward me.
- My money problems are solved effortlessly.
- I am worthy of compassion and empathy.
- Nothing can keep me from the wealth and abundance I deserve.
- I currently have everything I need to be successful in all my endeavors.
- I am open to the most incredible things life can offer me.
- I prepare to share all my gifts with the world.
- I choose trust over doubt.
- I am peaceful, centered, and grounded.
- I boldly conquer my money goals.
- I am capable of overcoming any money obstacles that stand in my way.
- I am talented, innovative, and prosperous.
- I align with my goals.
- I align with the energy of love and happiness.
- I believe in myself.
- I am an abundance magnet.
- I achieve whatever I set my mind to.
Whether you want to start working at your dream job or build up your network so that you have more opportunities, abundance affirmations can help you achieve what you want in life.
By changing your approach from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset through abundance affirmations, you will become much more focused and ready to achieve your biggest dreams.
Reinforcing positive statements through affirmations works because when you change your thoughts, you can change your reality. Finally, with positive self-talk practices like the statements listed above, you also set yourself up to respond better to adversity and life’s challenges.
To fully take advantage of all the benefits that affirmations offer, make sure you practice these affirmations multiple times a day! An excellent method is to choose five affirmations you like and focus on those. You can also write abundance affirmations in a journal. Or, you can try categorizing them!
For example, you can have love affirmations, process-based affirmations, and money affirmations. Regardless of how you choose to use abundance affirmations, make sure you repeat these affirmations daily for the best results!