Can a Felon be a Real Estate Agent in Texas

In Texas, can a convict work as a real estate agent? If you’re one of the people who often ask this question, this article will benefit you. Career transitions are complex and challenging for everybody. But they’re significantly more difficult when you have a shady past. Obtaining a real estate license might be a tempting proposition. You’ll be your boss and have limitless earning possibilities. It does, however, need to pass a screening procedure. Let’s find out can a felon be a real estate agent in texas.
Moreover, you’ll be entering people’s houses, transporting customers between showings, holding meetings in abandoned buildings, and completing huge deals. Clients desire to know that their personal and financial information is secure with you. So, in Texas, can a convict work as a real estate agent? Follow along as we go through this in detail in the parts below.
Texas Real Estate Agency
Now is an excellent time to get a real estate license in Texas. It’s a beautiful part-time job for those folks who need the additional cash. Others see it as a chance to start a new career in real estate. You may establish your hours, work from anywhere you choose, and be your boss as a real estate agent in Texas! It might be an excellent career option.
It might be tough to get work if you have a criminal record. Real estate may seem to be a viable alternative. And in many circumstances, you will be allowed to begin your new profession in real estate as long as you can exhibit excellent character and be honest about your history.
The good news is that you don’t even need a high school certificate to work as a real estate agent in Texas. You will, however, need to have a real estate education.
Taking real estate classes is the first step in getting your license. Online classes are an excellent learning method. You may work on them when free, from the comfort of your own home.
The finest online real estate colleges will present you with easy-to-understand videos and even enable you to take your final test online.
Several real estate schools will refund your money if you don’t pass the exam! That level of assurance from a real estate school indicates that they are confident in their abilities to teach you the information and that you will be able to grasp it quickly.
Many agents choose to form a limited liability company (LLC) after being licensed. Operating as an LLC as an independent contractor might insulate you if a client decides to sue you.
Can a Felon be a Real Estate Agent in Texas?
Not everyone is faultless. In life, you may make a mistake. That blunder might result in a criminal record. The good news is that if you wish to seek certification in Texas, having a felony on your history does not necessarily preclude you from doing so.
If you have a criminal conviction, the most crucial thing you can do is reveal it. Your Texas real estate license, may get revoked if you don’t report it.
There is no list of specific offenses that would prevent you from being a real estate agent in Texas. Applicants must, however, demonstrate that they are honest, trustworthy, and have integrity.
You must be candid and reveal you’re criminal background to exhibit these attributes, even if you have a felony conviction. If you can indicate that you have a felony record but have done all possible to set things right and positively contribute to society, you may be qualified to start a career in real estate.
What makes you ineligible to work as a realtor in Texas?
When you apply for a real estate license in Texas, the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) looks into your criminal history. Their purpose is to evaluate whether you are ready to go on and can be a trustworthy real estate agent, even if you have committed a crime in the past.
The TREC may take into account the following factors:
- When the offense gets committed, how old were you at the time?
- Any illegal activity’s scope and type
- Work experience
- Community service or compliance with a parole or probation officer
- Evidence of any attempts at rehabilitation
- Prosecutors, enforcement agencies, or correctional officials’ letters of endorsement
If you have a criminal charge on your record, you must complete a Moral Character Determination Form before applying to become a real estate agent in Texas. This is in addition to the Background History Form and any TREC costs. The TREC will use these papers to determine whether or not you are qualified for a real estate license.
Above all, if you have a criminal past and choose not to declare it, you may be disqualified from obtaining a license in Texas. That is why it is critical to complete the proper paperwork and be truthful.
Aside from Texas, what other states allow convicts to get a real estate license?
You may receive a real estate license even if you’ve gotten convicted of a felony. If you have a felony record, many states will undertake a felony review, which will look at various factors.
This covers your current employment history and any positions you had before and after your conviction. This is in addition to looking into your character to discover whether you are trustworthy and trustworthy.
Because there are so many states, rather than listing which states allow criminals to get a real estate license, we’ve compiled a list of which states make it more challenging to obtain a real estate license with a conviction. Arizona, Alabama, California, Georgia, Michigan, and North Carolina are among these states.
We believe it’s vital to note that 50 per cent of convicts who successfully become real estate agents do so throughout the country.
The good thing is that even if you have a criminal record, you may still work as a real estate agent. Some states may make it a little more difficult for those with criminal records by imposing additional restrictions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a felon be a real estate agent in Texas?
Yes. As previously stated, a criminal may work as a real estate agent in Texas.
With a DUI, can I obtain a Texas realtor license?
A felony of driving while drunk gets regarded as a negative trend. However, this does not cancel the possibility. You may earn your license if you can show that your offensive driving days are in the past.
What other offenses will also prevent you from becoming a real estate agent in Texas?
The offenses that will also disqualify you will show you are unsuitable for executing the obligations and responsibilities of a real estate license holder. This involves the capacity to represent the interests of others with honesty, dependability, and integrity.
This includes:
- Controlled illicit drug manufacturing
- Fraud, deception, forgery, fabrication of documents, perjury, and providing or accepting illicit payments.
- Offenses against another person or the government’s administration.
- Offenses involving sexuality
- Attempting to commit, plotting to commit, assisting, or abetting any of the crimes above
- Multiple offenses, whether of the same or separate criminal laws
What does a background check reveal?
The sort of background check has an impact. Examine the requirements for obtaining a real estate license in your state and the laws for conducting a background check. However, in general, it might include:
- Basic information about yourself, such as maiden names, aliases, and nicknames
- Residential data dating back seven to ten years
- Records of incarceration
- Warrants and charges pending
- Tax liens, either civil or federal
- Judgments rendered in civil or federal courts
- Bankruptcies on a state or national level
A criminal background check does typically not reveal juvenile records or court-sealed papers.
Only convictions get included in certain states’ background checks. To put it another way, the background check only discloses instances that a guilty plea or sentence has gotten resolved. Pending charges may show up.
A real estate background check goes how far back?
Your residence and place of employment determine the duration of your background check. Unless your state has enacted legislation setting boundaries, it’s comprehensive or endless.
California, Arizona, Nevada, and Texas are states with a seven-year restriction on criminal background checks. There are certain exceptions: if you’re seeking a position with a specific wage, the employer may go back further. Employers in California may go back ten years for compensation exceeding $125,000.
Background checks may go back ten years in a limited number of jurisdictions, including the District of Columbia.
Should I disclose details that will not appear in your background investigation?
Your job will get ruined in the nearest future if you lie or hide criminal breaches. And it’s challenging to keep your past hidden these days. The realtor agency might find out your faults in other ways, or it could be found by someone else and reported to the commission.
In conclusion, becoming a real estate agent with a felony comes with some hurdles. And if you need more help here, the above highlight on “can a felon be a real estate agent in Texas” will aid you immensely.