Girlfriend Dumps Boyfriends Because He Would Never Do This

A Reddit user tells his son he deserved to get dumped by his long-distance girlfriend because his son never put in the effort to visit her in another country.
“She Was Great…We All Loved Her”
The original poster (OP) said everyone had great things to say about the girlfriend, saying she was “great” and “a really nice girl.” And although she lived in another country, she could still fly over and visit OP’s son.
Whether it was a weekend or a month, OP acknowledged she was the main one making an effort to have this relationship work. While on the other hand, OP said his son “didn’t lift a finger to go visit her.”
He Didn’t Want to Fly Or Travel Anywhere
OP says his wife probably is the one who influenced their son not to have an interest in flying. OP’s wife continuously told her son she was scared of him flying.
OP believed the girlfriend was great for his son. So, he tried convincing his son to fly over to his girlfriend’s country to prove he was serious about their relationship. But, instead, OP’s son got lazier in the relationship and told his girlfriend he was “perfectly fine never traveling anywhere.”
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“He Should Have Expected It”
Unsurprising to OP, the long-distance girlfriend broke up with his son. And it didn’t take her long to find someone new.
OP told his son he agreed with his now ex-girlfriend for dumping him and that “he should have expected it.” OP told his son he deserved it for his lack of effort in the relationship. The ex-girlfriend was spending her time and money while OP’s son wasn’t pulling his weight.
However, OP’s son and wife didn’t receive OP’s words well. Instead, both of them were upset at OP for his brute honesty to the point where OP’s wife said he was being “horrible.”
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Should He Stand By What He Said?
Reddit users are saying OP was giving more than relationship advice, but advice about living life, in general. In addition, the Reddit community highlighted OP’s laziness and questioned whether he had plans to leave his parent’s house.
Other Reddit members are shocked by OP’s wife being upset. They say OP’s wife is enabling their son’s “laziness.”
One user shared a similar experience of their childhood friend whose parents enabled their child’s laziness: “He was never pushed, never faced risks, never was disturbed from his zone of comfort.” However, according to this user, his childhood friend is now in deep emotional hope, which makes it hard for him to turn his life around.
Is OP wrong for telling his son that he deserved to get dumped? Is OP’s wife enabling his son’s laziness? How long do you think OP’s son will have the courage to travel on his own?