How Hard Is It to Pass the Real Estate Exam | Tips to Pass Exam

The real estate exam is a difficult test that requires adequate study to pass. However, you must pass the state exam for a real estate broker or agent to get your real estate license. They are designed to be difficult to pass so that people who will not be qualified agents can be ruled out. Although the pass rate varies by state exam, it usually hovers around 50% nationwide. This means that only about half of those who sit for a state licensing exam succeed. In this guide, I will discuss how hard it to pass the real estate exam is.
How Hard Is It To Pass the Real Estate Exam?
The state licensing exams are customized to be hard and about half of those who take the test pass. The Real Estate exam is rigorous – in some states, it hovers around 50%. This means only one out of five people will make an excellent real estate agent!
The real estate exam is designed to be tough. “No one passes the test on their first try,” said Drury, professor emerita of educational psychology at North Carolina State University who has researched real-estate licensing tests since 1977.
They consulted thousands in preparation for taking such exams themselves before doing so professionally (1). For example, they have an average pass rate of around 50 in California%, but it can range anywhere from 35% to 66%.
How to Pass the Real Estate Exam
Consider enrolling in a pre-licensing program.
Before completing the real estate license test, you must complete a pre-licensing program. In an exam like the prep program, you will study the test and tactics for becoming a successful salesman or real estate agent in your state. When you graduate, you’ll be well equipped for your state’s agent or broker test.
We suggest searching for a state-specific real estate test preparation program. To pass the California realty exam, you must first understand its distinctions and the Michigan realty exam. Taking an online property course might help you be more flexible with your schedule.
Take an aptitude test (or two or three).
A study test can help you determine if you are prepared for the realty salesperson exam. It will give you samples of the types of questions asked on the exam. When picking a pre-licensing course, ensure it includes a school test that allows you to practice.
Take the practice exam as many times as you need to. You’ll be better prepared for the actual region exam, and you won’t waste your funds on the test.
Learn how to take a good test.
Your state test prep outline should not only cover the test material but also give you tips on how to improve your test-taking skills and get a passing grade.
You can think about the following suggestions:
- Begin with questions you already know the answers to.
- Start by eliminating incorrect answers and then choose the best potentially correct answer.
- Don’t hesitate or modify your answers.
- If you have time, skip difficult questions and return to them later.
- Take a deep breath as you take the test.
- Read the entire question aloud.
- Remember that the aim is to obtain a passing grade, not obtain everything correctly, and so start with all you know.
Take and re-read your notes.
Take several notes and note cards as you study for the exam. To keep everything handy, consider harnessing a web notecard program. Also, use them as a tool to help you remember what you’ve learned.
Take care of yourself.
Be sure to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet in the days leading up to the real estate exam. If you’re tired, you won’t do well on the exam, despite how amazing your prep session is.
It’s important to remember that this isn’t a competition.
Others will finish their applications sooner than you, and others may take longer. Make sure you don’t go over the time bar but don’t turn it into a contest to see who can complete it first.
Maintain an optimistic outlook.
Finally, the way you think will significantly influence your excelling. Don’t get caught up in the intricacies of your pre-licensing education or your state’s pass rate. Put in your best and have a positive outlook throughout the procedure. You’ll have a high chance of passing the test if you approach it with the appropriate mentality.
It’s also OK if anything goes wrong and you fail. You may repeat the real estate test if required. Learn from your failures and try again by enrolling in another real estate school course.
Frequently Asked Questions
After you’ve passed the test, what should you do?
After you have finished your work and effort and completed the realty test, you may begin your real estate profession. Getting a solid real estate job, on the other hand, might be difficult.
It’s an excellent idea to begin searching for a sponsored broker right now. You’ll be supervised by a mentorship broker who will assist you with your job as a new agent. They raise your company’s brand awareness and assist you in finding listings and customers.
After working as a realty salesman with a sponsored broker, consider extra training to help you polish your real estate abilities. You may soon be able to start your real estate profession and work without the guidance of a partner if you so want.
You must pass the real estate test to earn a realty license. Spend time to study appropriately and employ test preparation courses to aid you in your preparations, and you get a great chance of passing the exam. If you’re having problems, remember that you may repeat the course and the test to reinforce your knowledge.
Why do people fail the real estate exam?
The biggest reason people fail the exam is that they simply did not take enough practice questions. This wastes time in your preparation. You spend too much time from the time you finish your real course and take that final exam. To get your certificate in the mail, making the application to the real estate department so you can register for your exam, depending on your state, can take up to a month to process.
What can you do to pass the exam?
In many states (California, Texas), it takes about a month for them to receive your application and allow you to register for an exam date. You need to study consistently during that month, doing about a couple of hours per day.
Then a week before your real estate exam, start doing four hours per day. Get a good night’s sleep at night, eat some good food, stay hydrated and go in with confidence. It isn’t a bad exam if you study effectively and study smart.
Is it possible to take the real estate exams online?
While you can complete the licensing preparation course online, the realty exam is usually administered in person by an outside proctor. However, you can take the exam online, according to some states. However, some companies offer them in almost the USA (Mbition, Kaplan, the CE shop, Real Estate Express, 360 Training, and Center for Realtor Development). To learn more about your options, contact your state real estate commission.
Are there multiple choice questions on the real estate exams?
There are two sections to the real estate exam: a state-specific test and a generic realty section. Each consists of multiple-choice questions. The state component contains between 60 and 80 questions, while the generic section contains 80 and 100 questions.
What is the cost of the real estate exam?
The cost of the real estate exam varies by state. However, it is usually less than $50.
Is it possible to study for the real estate exam on your own?
Exam preparation is a common practice, and your state may require you to take a specific course. Check the real estate licensing requirements in your area. There are a variety of websites and books that can help you prepare for the real estate exam, so consulting third-party resources can be a wonderful way to augment your current study. To help you with your preparations, you can quickly enroll in an online real estate exam preparation course.
Bottom line
We have all the necessary information that reveals the problem; How hard is it to pass the real estate exam. Using the material provided correctly and concisely will allow you to dispel doubts and reinforce the acquired knowledge on the subject. In addition, you will have a guide that will strengthen your steps on the path to follow and thus achieve your purposes and goals.
On the other hand, you must comply with all the requirements established by your state to receive a real estate license. Taking and passing the corresponding real estate exam is part of this process. These exams are grueling. You may see questions about the responsibilities of real estate professionals, specific national laws and regulations, real estate financing, and real estate ethics, as well as some somewhat difficult mathematical tasks.
In short, this is an exam to prepare for. If you are going to spend your time and money studying for the real estate exam, you need to do it properly. If you choose the best real estate exam prep guide, you can be sure that you will access all the study materials you need to pass this test.