Is Mommy Jobs Online A Scam? – Get The Lowdown!

Welcome to my Mommy Jobs Online review!
When searching for a job online, we naturally look to job search engines to see what’s available. Many of these companies are reputable and continue to provide value for millions of job seekers. But many are also scams that do nothing more than collect your personal information in exchange for outdated or made-up jobs listings. [source] So is Mommy Jobs Online a scam? Keep reading for the answer!
Product Name:Mommy Jobs OnlineFounder: Amelia Lopez (Mommy)Product Type: Online Job Search RegistryPrice: $85 per job bank, lifetime access; $210 for all five job banks, lifetime accessBest For: Anyone looking for extra income, part-time or full-time work
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Summary: While not a full-fledged scam, Mommy Jobs Online shouldn’t be trusted. For starters, it offers no refunds after paying and gaining access to the job registry. Moreover, the details of their 100% satisfaction guarantee don’t seem to be stated anywhere on the website, only that the jobs themselves are legitimate. Also, there’s virtually no information on the website about the founders of this enterprise, only a LinkedIn listing referencing a woman named Amelia Lopez. [source]Rating: 4/10Recommended:No
Accredited by the BBB (Better Business Bureau) with a B+ rating and nine customer complaints, Mommy Jobs Online provides job listings for those who wish to work from home, including, as its name suggests, mothers and mothers-to-be. [source] With incomes ranging from $10-$90 per hour for most positions, these job categories from five different job banks range from professional occupations like Human Resources to transcription services in the medical or legal fields.
On the surface, everything checks out, right? But that’s not the full story. The problem with this service is that even after paying the fee, you’re still expected to initiate contact with the employer, send your resume, and earn the interview all on your own.
In short, all you get for your money are the legitimate job openings and that’s it. But if you have the necessary qualifications for a position, you could just as easily upload your resume to an online job search bank and view current openings from every company in your field of interest, free of charge.
So, what does Mommy Jobs Online have on these free job search companies? Not much. I don’t see a good reason to invest your hard-earned money into a service that charges you for what other companies already offer for free and do perfectly well.
After arriving at the website, you have a choice of five databases or registries of legitimate job openings to pick from. Once you select a field of interest, you’ll have to pay a minimum of $85 to gain access to that specific registry. Warning: Mommy Jobs Online has an explicit policy of no refunds after you receive access to a registry!
Choice of Five Job Bank Categories
After gaining access to the registry, you’ll notice the list of job openings aren’t always current so it’s important to read each listing carefully. And remember, it’s your responsibility to make initial contact with the employer, as well as all subsequent communication.
Like some online job search engines, Mommy Jobs Online charges a fee to employers wanting to place job openings on the platform. But plenty of platforms do just as well without charging these fees.
Thus, having a prospective employer pay a fee to list a job doesn’t necessarily mean your job prospects are any better (you only have to check out the ratings and read a few reviews of Mommy Jobs Online for proof).
Deciding whether you’re a good fit for a job isn’t dependent on a fee paid by an employer. Instead, it comes down your qualifications, work ethic, personality and other factors, which can only be determined with a personal interview.
Now, the interview process can be stressful and nerve-wracking for some and many job seekers fail to land the job they want because they lack confidence in themselves. Just as some people freeze when taking tests, others have a hard time with interviews. But like anything, practice makes all the difference. Too bad people resorting to a paid service like this don’t necessarily see things that way.
Online job search companies that offer only a list of companies with openings paint a rosy picture of jobs and more jobs and that all you need to do to land one is reach out to the company. But we all know that’s not how it works.
To imply that securing a job is just a matter of buying access to a list is a great disservice because it dashes your hopes, thus forcing you to look elsewhere for work. That’s not a good thing.
Each category or job bank lists the average starting hourly wages. A range of $10 to $90 per hour covers a broad spectrum, but the positions match well with the pay. As with any job, starting salaries depend on your level of skill, industry experience, and whether you’re a good fit for a given company.
If and when you land a job from the registry at Mommy Jobs Online, each employer pays their employees according to their established policy.
Note that after reading the complaints posted on the BBB, most refer to the company’s unfair refund policy and their unwillingness to settle amicably. [source] Mommy Jobs Online appears to be very rigid and unapologetic. From a customer service perspective, they could certainly improve their attitude toward their customers.
I’ve read several testimonials on their website, and all gush about how much they appreciate the opportunity to find life-changing work through Mommy Jobs Online:
Testimonials on Mommy Jobs Online
But if you’re anything like me, it’s hard to trust websites with only over-the-top praises. They’re just not believable. Much more credible are the nine complaints listed on the BBB website, which are far less biased:
Complaints of Mommy Jobs Online on BBB
- According to the BBB, Mommy Jobs Online has been in business for over 15 years and accredited since 2016 with a rating of B+. No doubt, these are reasonably good and respectable indications. Also, the testimonials (real or fake) on their website speak highly of them as well.
- After a careful review of their website, I found several categories of jobs listed in their job banks with a brief description of what each job bank entails. While this approach works, it’s a little dated for someone actively pursuing work.
- The website tries hard to reel in customers looking for work by offering help and guidance for that all important interview. Also, they offer suggestions for making a great first impression during the meeting. These are useful tips and would probably impress many people and may be enough to entice them to register.
- What constitutes a scam site? Among other things, it offers you the illusion of success, money, and/or other solutions to a problem you’re experiencing. Then after you take the bait and fork over the cash, you don’t receive what you expected in return. Instead, the product or service is either non-existent or nothing close to what you thought it would be.Now, if you look at the second to last paragraph on the ‘Join Now’ page of the Mommy Jobs Online site, it clearly states that no refunds are issued once they grant customers access to their job bank registry network to find pre-screened remote job positions:
Mommy Jobs Online Refund Policy
Thing is, this statement contradicts their blurb about the 100% satisfaction guarantee in plain sight on their homepage! In fact, the only guarantee mentioned in detail has to do with its job positions being 100% legitimate.It’s hard to say whether Mommy Jobs Online intentionally dupes customers with their vague 100% satisfaction guarantee by not honoring legitimate requests for a refund. And they don’t help their cause when you have customers on BBB complain about not receiving refunds even after following the company’s terms exactly as stated.What was the company’s response? That the customer logged into the site multiple times, thereby nullifying a refund. So, who’s telling the truth here? Too hard to know for sure, but it’s safer to err on the side of caution, don’t you agree?
- As a job search bank, Mommy Jobs Online is no different than many similar websites, making them hardly unique in the field.Thus, paying a fee to gain access to a list of potentially out-of-date jobs that don’t even necessarily match your skillset isn’t a good use of your time and money. While not indicative of scam, it’s not a good sign.
- The company website leaves a lot to be desired. It’s so antiquated looking, I thought I found a time capsule, circa 1997. Moreover, it’s orange and black color scheme doesn’t do itself any favors. Unless you’re selling Halloween costumes, why would any successfully-run business choose colors like these? It doesn’t instill a sense of trust, which is paramount to any business.The combination of the black background with the orange lettering is also far too hard on the eyes. In fact, I developed eye strain within minutes! As if that weren’t enough, the layout is a mess all around: totally crammed, with no direction or path for the reader to follow. See, it’s one thing if the design of a website is nothing special, it’s another if it actually repels visitors. That’s not a minor issue, that’s a crisis! A website has to make a good first impression and in this regard, Mommy Jobs Online is a total failure.
In business and life, first impressions mean everything. Mommy Jobs Online failed to impress me with their business model that earns money by fleecing unsuspecting job seekers into paying a fee for access to a job bank. Once you’re in, you’re in financially and for life, but is lifetime membership worth having?
My advice when looking for work online is to stick to the free options. There are dozens of well-known sites offering very respectable job openings for free, including multiple services providing help with interview skills, resume assistance, training videos, and notifications of new jobs in your field.
But keep this in mind…
Even with all its perks, a work from home job is no different than a regular job when you still have a boss to answer to. The only difference is you get to interact with your employer from home instead of at the office.
But what if you could work from home and be your OWN boss? Wouldn’t that be preferable? Perhaps self-employment never crossed your mind or that only entrepreneurial types could pull it off. I once felt that way too, but then discovered I could do just fine on my own. And believe me, I’m no slick businessman.
Today, I earn an income from home without anyone telling me what to do. How did I do it? Not by wasting time making someone else rich, or toiling away hours as an online freelancer making barely more than minimum wage, but as an affiliate marketer — the process of selling different products and services in exchange for commissions.
Thing is, you don’t need a background in business or marketing to succeed at this… I sure didn’t. You just need to be willing to learn the ropes and stick to the process.
What do you think of this review? Do you have any questions or comments about Mommy Jobs Online I haven’t already addressed? Leave your comments below!