10 Things Kids Have Done That Have Secretly Impressed Their Parents

Raising kids can be a challenging task, and parents often find themselves in a constant state of vigilance to ensure their children stay out of trouble. But sometimes, kids do things that parents can’t help but be impressed by, even though they may put on a show of being mad.
1. The Young Entrepreneurs
“My daughter got in trouble in kindergarten for selling pencils to other kids. She was charging kids a quarter, the school charged 50 cents. I was pretty impressed,” one person shared.
“I got detention and almost suspended in the 6th grade for selling jaw breakers to the other kids, I only had my racket ruined because some 8th grader told on me for not giving him any free candy, and was unable to take it by force. The school tried to take my jaw breakers AND my money but thankfully my parents told the school they would take the stuff they confiscated and just gave it to me, they almost made off with my $40 bucks though… I hated my middle school administration,” someone else added.
2. Naughty or Nice?
“My 3 year old dragged a chair from the lounge to the kitchen and climbed up to help herself to an icecream from the freezer, I caught her in the act and was prepared to be angry until I realized that before getting herself one, she had taken 2 out for her little brother and sister, unwrapped them and sent them out to the balcony to eat so they wouldn’t make a mess. I decided she deserved the icecream,” one mother shared.
3. The Monster Is…Me?
“My nine year old son called me into his room because he had a monster in his closet. I tell him he’s too old for that kind of thing and to go back to sleep. He pleads with me to check. I open the door and turn on the light, staring back at me is some scruffy looking thing with angry eyes and I scream. It was a mirror. I’m trying to see if I’m having a heart attack and he’s laughing his troll ass off. I’m proud of his cleverness but considered if he were too old to be left on someone’s doorstep,” one mom recalled.
4. Throwing Mom Under The Bus
“One night my wife and I were having a discussion with our 10 yr old daughter about the importance of homework, education and her future. The subject came up because she was busted lying about her grades. I asked, “Don’t you want to grow up and be successful like me?” Her response was, “Mom doesn’t do anything and she’s got it pretty good,” one dad recalled.
5. He Called You Out Bro
“4 year old wanted to go to the zoo. I didn’t. I told him we would go to the park by the zoo, because that didn’t cost any money. Then I told him I wanted to get coffee first. His response? “Oh, so you have money for coffee?” I was impressed with his very appropriate and timely response,” one dad shared.
6. A Glimpse Of The Man He’ll Become
“I went to walmart with my boys the and some guy nearly backed over us in the parking lot. It was bad. Stepson was looking elsewhere and my hands were full with the baby, so I basically smashed him in the chest with the diaper bag to stop his forward movement.
As he’s recovering his balance and realizing what happened, the guy is just staring at us like we materialized out of nowhere… And stepson plants his feet and flips him the double bird. Completely calm, confident, full eye contact, and he held it up there for a good three seconds. The kiddo is normally kind of shy with adults. It was like seeing a glimpse of the man he is going to become,” one mom proudly said.
7. Well, That’s One Way to Get Their Attention
“I have twins. The boy is a perfectly normal kid. The girl is developmentally delayed due to Autism. She doesn’t really know how to communicate. For example, if he wakes up first, he just yells at us to let him out of their room. If she wakes up first, she just sits quietly until someone comes in.
Well, on their third birthday, they got a lot of sweet toys. The toys were in the living room so that it wasn’t a distraction at bedtime. The following morning, she woke up and wanted to play with her new dolls. But she didn’t know how to get our attention to open the door. But she knows her brother can get the door open.
So she grabs a Nerf hammer (Thor’s from the Avengers). She then just starts beating her brother in the head with it until his cries sent me running into the room. As soon as I open the door, she drops the hammer and runs past me, laughing, straight to her new toys. Sociopathic maybe, but very clever,” one mom said.
8. Bad Parents Raise Bad Kids
“My daughter started wearing glasses at the age of 2. She has a very bad astigmatism which requires a very thick lens. Kids being kids tease her about it but a few of the girl’s in her class get pretty mean. Last year my daughter was using the bathroom at school when one of the girl’s that bully her popped her head under the toilet and my daughter kicked her in the face and busted the other girl’s nose.
The school tried to actually suspend my daughter. Called me at work and I had to take the rest of the day off to get her home. She was balling when I got there and of course the other parents were there and livid. They wanted to actually suspend her for a week until she was asked why she did it and she said that it’s not polite to watch people pee. The principal knew then that she would never be able to contest it but still tried to give her disciplinary action and was sent home early and was told to apologize to the other kid.
They brought the other kid in with her parents and before the principal could even say anything my daughter looked at the other kid’s mother intensely and said “you don’t know how to be a good mommy and you made a bad kid” and stormed out. I gave the parents a “she’s right, ya know” and proceeded to follow her out the door. I had to pretend to be mad, because you don’t hit people, but many ice creams were had that day,” one mom shared.
9. Well Played, Son…Well Played
“My son was two years old when he got his first pair of eyeglasses. At first he resisted wearing them until he realized he could see properly for the first time in his life.
A few days into wearing his glasses, I brought home a 5-pound bag of individually wrapped chocolates that I was planning on taking to the office in a few days. He had gone upstairs to his toyroom and he was being way too quiet for too long. I went up there and he was surrounded by wrappers, covered in chocolate. Half the bag was gone, and he was so proud of himself: “Mommy, I not need help to open them, so I not had to ask!” It was the first time he had been able to see where to pull to open the wrappers. I was so happy that he could finally see that I couldn’t be angry.
I had to tell him that he still needed to ask permission to take the candy, even if he didn’t need help opening it anymore. The punishment was his bellyache. Kid’s lactose intolerant,” one mom shared.
10. A Vigilante In The Making
“In sixth grade, my daughter was friends with a boy who had a lot of feminine characteristics. My daughter initially got to know him because the rule in their school was that they had to remain at the table they sat at on the first day. This boy had no friends and had been sitting at the end of their table. Gradually, the girls got to know him, and he was taken into their group.
While many were accepting of him wearing pink clothes and nail polish, some were not. One day, I got a call from the disciplinary superintendent at the school. He said, “Mrs. Potatoisafruit, I want to preface what I’m going to say by telling you that I am obligated to call about any situation where physical violence is involved (my heart sank), but that I am by no means encouraging you to punish your daughter.”
He went on to tell me that one of the boys known for bullying this particular young man had pushed him down a small flight of stairs at the school. My daughter was so angry that she ran up to the bully and kicked him as hard as she could in the shin.
She did have to apologize to the boy she kicked. We did talk about never lashing out physically, no matter how angry we were. But I was so proud of her for defending her friend,” one mom proudly shared.
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