12 Words That Always Look Like They’re Spelled Wrong

Have you ever encountered words that seem to defy proper spelling? You’re not alone. Our language is full of words that consistently look like they’re spelled wrong, causing doubt and confusion. Whether it’s the deceptive arrangement of letters or the influence of foreign origins, these words will continue to challenge our spelling skills.
1. “Necessary”
This word always manages to confuse people with its multiple “c”s and “s”s. It’s one of those words that looks like it should be spelled differently, but it’s not. No matter how many times you write it, it still seems like there’s a mistake somewhere.
2. “Rhythm”
The silent “h” in this word is enough to throw anyone off. It’s not a word you come across every day, so when you do, you might find yourself hesitating on the spelling. Just remember, there’s no “y” in “rhythm.”
3. “Bologna”
This one is a classic example of words that always look misspelled. The pronunciation of “bologna” is completely different from its spelling. The “g” is silent, and the “a” is pronounced as “o.” It’s a trap that many fall into, thinking it should be spelled like it sounds.
4. “Weird”
The word “weird” is, ironically, one that looks weird when written down. The “ei” combination can be puzzling, as it is not commonly used in the English language. People often find themselves second-guessing whether it should be spelled as “wierd” instead.
5. “FebRUary”
The month of February has a deceptive spelling. Many people tend to forget the first “r” when writing it down, leading to “Febuary” or “Feburary.” It’s a common mistake that can be easily overlooked. Just remember to include both “r”s in “February,” and your spelling will be spot on.
6. “Receipt”
When it comes to spelling, “receipt” is a word that frequently causes confusion. Its unconventional combination of vowels and consonants can make it appear as if a mistake has been made. The silent “p” at the end further adds to the perplexity.
7. “Colonel”
Despite its pronunciation, “colonel” has a spelling that seems completely unrelated. The discrepancy between the spelling and the way it sounds can be quite baffling. With no “r” in sight, one might wonder how this word ended up looking so different. But that’s the peculiarity of the English language, and “colonel” stands as a testament to its quirky spelling rules.
8. “Definitely”
“Definitely” is a word that frequently trips people up. Its abundance of vowels can make it a challenge to get right on the first try. Many are tempted to add an “a” in the middle or accidentally swap letters, leading to spellings like “definately” or “definitley.”
9. “Conscience”
The word “conscience” presents a spelling that deviates from its pronunciation. The “sc” combination followed by the “i” might make you question whether it should be spelled differently. It’s a word that has the potential to confuse even the most adept spellers.
10. “Maintenance”
When it comes to “maintenance,” it’s easy to second-guess yourself. The combination of vowels and consonants, along with the silent “a,” can create doubt about its correct spelling. People often write it as “maintainance” or “maintenence.”
11. “Occurrence”
The spelling of “occurrence” can be puzzling due to the repeated “c” and “r” in the word. It’s easy to question whether there might be an extra letter somewhere.
12. “Restaurant”
The word “restaurant” is notorious for its tricky spelling. The arrangement of vowels and consonants can confuse even the most adept writers. It’s not uncommon to see variations like “restaraunt” or “restraunt.”
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