20+ Powerful Working Mom Quotes from Strong Women

Being a mom is never easy since you are constantly busy 24/7. You have your career and a household to take care of at all times. With only 24 hours in a day, it seems almost impossible to get everything done with a “working mom life.”
The journey of a working mom is always stressful, busy, and tiring. Yet, no one ever talks about how selfless a good mother is.
People don’t appreciate what mothers do, and they are the ones that are struggling behind the scenes.
Mothers need self-care, love, and inspiration every day to let them know that they are special coming home every night.
Having words or strong mother quotes of the day can boost your mood when you have a rough day and need something really empowering.
Here is a list of inspirational working mom quotes if you are looking for some positive, inspiring, and motivational saying. These sayings cover a variety of situations, from battling your inner self to feeling empowered by your accomplishments.
Tina Fey
“I think every working mom probably feels the same thing. You go through big chunks of time where you’re just thinking, ‘This is impossible—oh, this is impossible.’ And then you keep going and keep going, and you sort of do the impossible.” – Tina Fey
This hard working mom quote expresses so much truth because moms are always doing the impossible. They have to get things done no matter how difficult a situation is. It’s their responsibility. The significant aspect of mothers is that they never give up.
Catherine Reitman
“We should go after our dreams and not be apologetic about it, but it’s scary. Whether you want to work or not, you have to do what makes you a fuller person. You have to love yourself.” – Catherine Reitman.
Sometimes you forget your dreams and self-care. By loving yourself, you are teaching your kids to love themselves. You want to be true to yourself and teach your kids to do the same, right? Mothers know what’s best for their children.
Amal Clooney
“The worst thing that we can do as women is not stand up for each other, and this is something we can practice every day, no matter where we are and what we do — women sticking up for other women, choosing to protect and celebrate each other instead of competing or criticizing one another.” – Amal Clooney.
The exhaustion, challenges, and guilt of motherhood are excruciatingly painful. No one sees what you go through except for other mothers. You lift the mood by supporting and cheering for one another for their accomplishments.
Sarah Blakely
“This struggle is real. The juggle is real. That’s why everyone should hire working mothers. They are put in crazy situations all the time and are forced to problem-solve. They are some of my most resourceful employees.” – Sara Blakely.
Another mighty working mom quotes that speaking justice for all the moms out there. Motherhood struggle is real since they juggle many things from career, household, and relationship. But they are true superheroes to society!
Jane Seymour
“You cannot do everything at once, so find people you trust to help you. And don’t be afraid to say no.” – Jane Seymour.
Doing everything on your own can be challenging, and you’ll eventually burn out. However, sometimes saying “no” you can spend your time and energy on other things. Learn to prioritize the essential things in life.
Shonda Rhimes
“If I’m pursuing my goals, my kids are seeing me at my best. I am filled up, I am happy, I am not feeling empty, depleted, and therefore resentful about the fact that I’m missing out. I don’t want them to feel like I’ve sacrificed, I don’t want them to feel that burden. I always remember that a happy working woman is a happy mother.” – Shonda Rhimes.
It’s a valuable and irreplaceable gift to be a mother. If being a mother makes you happy, then continue to do it. You want to show all your best moments to your kids about motherhood. It’s not just for your happiness, but for your kids too.
Betsy Jacobsen
“Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices.” – Betsy Jacobsen.
As a mom, you are constantly trying to get all your task done. However, it would help if you learned to balance and prioritize what you need to do. You can’t do everything in one day.
Sophia Loren
“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”
Mothers can NEVER think about themselves. They have to think about their children too. The pure love of a mother to her children is unconditional, no matter the circumstance. A true mother always thinks about her kids.
Serena Williams
“Knowing I’ve got this beautiful baby to go home to makes me feel like I don’t have to play another match. I don’t need the money or the titles or the prestige. I want them, but I don’t need them. That’s a different feeling for me.” – Serena Williams.
When you have children, it’s a whole new world and game. Knowing you have children doesn’t mean your interests change or your goals or dreams, but your motivation and mindset do.
Candace Alnaji
“You are not a bad mom because you go to work each day. Similarly, you are not a failure because you left your career altogether. Choices regarding work and family are personal – there is no one-size fits all method. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.” – Candace Alnaji.
You are a mom that makes the rule on what’s bad or good. There is no right or wrong answer to being a great mom. Motherhood is a journey and a career that you get to experiment with as you go.
Arianna Huffington
“The fastest way to break the cycle of perfectionism and become a fearless mother is to give up the idea of doing it perfectly – indeed to embrace uncertainty and imperfection.” – Arianna Huffington.
You can’t expect to do everything right and perfect all the time. But, as a mother, you are already struggling with multiple tasks that require perfection. By making mistakes and testing things out, you can adjust your routines and avoid disappointment or any kind of pressure.
Jami Gertz
“Being a working mom is not easy. You have to be willing to screw up at every level.” – Jami Gertz.
This working mom quote speaks for itself! Unfortunately, there are a lot of moms out there who want to be miss perfectionists. However, sometimes you have to let it go and make mistakes because you find better solutions to your problems.
Michelle Obama
“We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own to-do lists.” – Michelle Obama.
Being a busy mom is a juggling act, which can cause you to forget to take care of yourself. That should be one of your priorities if you want to continue taking care of the household. You have to love yourself and your family. How will you take care of a child or the household if you can’t function?
Sharon Jaynes
“Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never gave up despite the struggles.” -Sharon Jaynes.
Despite struggling, hard-working mothers never give up. No matter how difficult a situation is or hectic the full-time job is, they will overcome it. It can feel like living a double life on steroids, but that is the role of a full-time mother.
Arian Moore
“The goal is to prioritize and get done what is necessary each day. Ultimately, that is what it means to balance life.” -Arian Moore.
Instead of wasting time doing everything, you should prioritize the tasks and make the appropriate schedules. By doing so, you can get more done in a day. It’s impossible to do everything when you only have 24 hours in a day. If you split the tasks up each day and prioritize only three tasks, you can get many things done in a week.
Jill Churchill
“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.” -Jill Churchill.
What a great working mom quote that speaks to all mothers! It’s impossible to be a perfect mother because we are humans that make mistakes. Being a mother, you learn as you go through this balancing act of motherhood. There is no right or ideal way to be a mother.
Donna Karan
“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” – Donna Karan.
Raising children will always be hectic and chaotic. The most challenging task is to find the calmness within you to solve the problem in front of you. There will be times when nothing will go your way, and that’s a lot of pressure. But, you must be calm and face it straight on. It’s normal where your mind is about to go crazy due to all the stress, but you must find a way to take control of your sanity.
Jim Henson
“The attitude you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from more than what you tell them. They don’t remember what you try to teach. They remember what you are.” Jim Henson
Practice a wonderful thing you want your kids to remember, such as when the whole family sings a song or eats pieces of pie together. Kids don’t remember or listen to you when you tell them to do something. Doing the action to be a better mother and being a role model will inspire them to do what you want them to do.
Anne Lamoti
“Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about but the hardest thing in the world to do.” – Anne Lamoti.
People always say many things about being a parent. It’s one thing to say it’s easy to do but another to do it.
Laura Markham
“Your most valuable parenting skill is learning to manage yourself first.” – Dr. Laura Markham.
If you don’t know how to manage or take care of yourself, how will you care for your children? You have to learn to balance to have time for yourself and your children.
Sharon Meers & Joana Strober
“A happy mother is a good mother, and if work makes you hum, your whole family sings along.” –Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober.
If working and being productive as a mom makes you happy, your family would be too. Of course, being a mom is difficult, but the negativity will go away if you look on the bright side of things.
Allison Pearson
“Working mothers’ laughter comes hardest when our double life is revealed for what it is: a juggling act in which the balls can drop at any time, invariably on our own head.” – Allison Pearson.
A working mother has two different lives: the career and the housewife. Yes, it’s a juggling act, and there won’t be people seeing you behind the scenes. You will fumble from time to time, but you have to pick yourself up. Some mistakes are worth a good laugh.
Kate Winslet
“There’s something really empowering about going, ‘Hell, I can do this! I can do this all!’ That’s the wonderful thing about mothers, you can because you must, and you just do.” –Kate Winslet
Working mothers’ mindsets are so strong since they never give up. On the contrary, they are always motivating themselves to get things done.
Final Thoughts
It’s safe to think a working mom probably feels sad being away from their little ones. So, every working mom looks forward to coming home every night to see their kids.
There is no doubt you’ve become a fearless mother, managing a home and a working mom life. You’re a good mom! So don’t feel bad or have mom guilt.
There is a tremendous amount of work being an angel mother. So, make mindful choices regarding work by creating better time management or better boundary management to improve your work-life balance.
Did you find a working mom quote that can uplift you on those long days? Which inspirational working mom quote are you going take with you today?