11 Weird Things Kids Bring For Show and Tell

Every week, in classrooms around the world, there’s a special moment when young students eagerly present their cherished treasures to their classmates. It’s a time called “Show and Tell,” where children get the chance to share something unique or interesting from their lives. While some kids bring in their favorite toys or books, others surprise everyone with truly bizarre and extraordinary items.
1. Cow Eyes
“In 5th grade, we were studying human anatomy. When we got to the eyes, a kid brought in a bag full of cow’s eyes. His dad worked in a slaughterhouse. Teacher was horrified.
Edit: I should add that my classmate brought them in, unannounced. The teacher had no plans for dissection, was going to show us a filmstrip about eyes or something,” one person shared.
2. Knives
“I brought 2 knives. My dad is from a region in France where they make famous knives (Laguiole) and I owned two of them (one made of horn and one was bright orange). It didn’t cross my mind it could be a problem, but they called my parents (who weren’t mad at me),” another person shared.
3. Rabbit Foot Shaped Tampon
“The teacher across the hall from me had a student who brought what he thought was a lucky rabbit foot to show to the class and excitedly announced he had enough for everyone in the class. The rabbit foot was a tampon,” one person recalled.
4. Scorpion
“My brother found a scorpion at our house and captured it to bring for show and tell. The scorpion got out somehow and the teacher had everyone on high alert to look for it and capture it. Several children returned to the teacher having “found” the scorpion. That was the day we found out our school was infested with scorpions,” one person shared.
5. Rotten Egg Gas
“1993, grade 3 primary school in Australia. My show and tell was rotten egg gas, I had a class mate hold a test tube that contained sulfur power while i added hydrochloric acid, no protective gear used. Non of the adults saw any issue with this,” one person recalled.
6. Belly Dancing Bralette
“When I was in 6th grade I took a belly dancing bralette thing in that my brother sent me from his deployment. We were studying the Middle East and I had something from there, I thought it was cool! I remember my teacher gulping, eyes bulging, asking, “just…. That? That’s all they wear?” And me saying, “yeah, I guess so”.
Anyways it turns out he sent me his girlfriend’s present and his girlfriend got my camel book. But I was very, very popular with the sixth grade boys for a little while,” one girl shared.
7. Old Thermometer
“Not a teacher but there was a girl in my brother’s year whose dad owned a junk/salvage place. Girl brings in an old thermometer. Okay cool, whatever. She then goes “and then this is the most fun part” and proceeds to smash the thermometer on the desk and play with the mercury.
Idk how that got resolved but I do know that by the time I got to first grade, we no longer had show and tell,” one guy shared.
8. Combine Harvester
“Went to School in a tiny town in eastern Colorado. Kid in my class drove his dad’s combine to school for show and tell. Was in the 4th grade. Still find it crazy that nobody really cared that there was this big piece of farm equipment sitting on the front lawn all day,” one person shared.
9. Dead Bat
“Not a teacher, but when I was in 3rd grade this dumb kid in my class decided to bring a live bat to class. The only problem he put the bat in a plastic bag in his bookbag and the bat died because it couldn’t breath. Him removing it from the plastic bag dead I still remember almost 26 years later,” one person recalled.
10. Two Spiders
“When I was in fifth grade and going to school in AZ, this girl in our class brought in a glass jar with a tarantula and a black widow (no clue how she caught both in one day, or WHY). Within an hour the tarantula was dead and upside down in the jar. Same day there was a fire drill and yep, someone knocked it off her desk and the jar broke, releasing the black widow. We never found it (but the teacher made sure to stomp the dead tarantula just in case).
Same thing happened with our glass fire ant farm in second grade, now that I think about it. I don’t know why people kept bringing this stuff into school, or why our teachers let them,” one person shared.
11. Lamb Tail
“A lamb’s tail. Apparently they went to a farm which let visitors keep them as souvenirs (who knew that removing tails was a thing?). Turns out it was a mistake to postpone Show and Tell for a couple of days while, hidden in a locker, the tail marinated in the July heat,” one person shared.
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