10 Examples of Bad Parenting That Will Make You Want to Call CPS
Parenting is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, and no one is born knowing how to do it perfectly. However, some parenting behaviors go beyond the occasional mistake or lapse in judgment and become truly egregious. These behaviors can cause long-lasting harm to children and can even be considered neglectful or abusive. In a popular online thread, people shared some of the worst examples of bad parenting they’ve ever witnessed. From leaving a child unattended in a dangerous situation to encouraging underage drinking, the stories are shocking and deeply concerning.
1. Leaving a Child Unattended in a Parking Lot
One respondent shared a story of witnessing a mother leave her toddler in the car, parked in the middle of a busy parking lot, while she went into a store to shop. The child was visibly upset and crying, but the mother didn’t seem to care. This is not only a dangerous situation, but it’s also neglectful and could have resulted in serious harm to the child.
2. Encouraging Underage Drinking
Another person shared a story of a father who encouraged his teenage daughter and her friends to drink alcohol at a party he was hosting. Not only is this illegal, but it’s also incredibly irresponsible for a parent to provide alcohol to minors. It shows a complete lack of judgment and concern for their children’s well-being.
3. Ignoring a Child’s Serious Medical Condition
One person shared a story of a mother who refused to take her child to the doctor for a serious medical condition, despite the child being in significant pain. The mother believed that her home remedies would be sufficient, even though the child’s condition continued to worsen. This kind of negligence is not only dangerous but also cruel to the child who is suffering.
4. Using Children for Financial Gain
Another respondent shared a story of a father who forced his young children to sell drugs to make money. This is not only illegal but also morally reprehensible. Children should never be put in dangerous situations for the sake of financial gain.
5. Allowing a Child to Be Bullied
One person shared a story of witnessing a mother stand idly by while other children were bullying her child. Instead of intervening and advocating for her child’s safety, the mother simply watched from a distance. This behavior shows a complete lack of concern for a child’s well-being and could have long-lasting emotional effects.
6. Ignoring a Child’s Emotional Needs
One person shared a story of a mother who refused to comfort her crying child, telling them to “stop being a baby.” This kind of emotional neglect can have long-lasting effects on a child’s mental health and well-being. Parents should be attuned to their children’s emotional needs and provide a safe and supportive environment for them to express their feelings.
7. Using Physical Violence as Discipline
Another respondent shared a story of witnessing a father hit his child with a belt in public as a form of discipline. Physical violence is never an appropriate way to discipline a child and can cause serious harm both physically and emotionally. There are many effective discipline strategies that don’t involve physical punishment, such as positive reinforcement and setting clear boundaries.
8. Leaving Children in Dangerous Situations
One person shared a story of seeing a mother leave her young children alone in a car with the windows rolled up on a hot day. This kind of neglect can be deadly and is never acceptable. Children should never be left alone in dangerous situations, whether it’s in a car or in any other environment.
9. Refusing to Provide Basic Needs
Another respondent shared a story of a father who refused to buy his children basic necessities such as food and clothing, even though he had the means to do so. This kind of neglect is not only harmful but also cruel to children who are suffering. Parents have a responsibility to provide for their children’s basic needs, both physically and emotionally.
10. Making Children Feel Unloved
One person shared a heartbreaking story of a mother who constantly told her child that she wished she had never been born and that she didn’t love her. This kind of emotional abuse can cause long-lasting damage to a child’s self-esteem and sense of worth. Parents should never make their children feel unloved or unwanted.
This article was produced and syndicated by Parent Portfolio.
Source: Reddit.