12 House Rules Only Strict Parents Had

Growing up with strict parents can be a unique experience. These parents tend to have a set of house rules that are often quite different from those of more lenient households. While some of these rules may seem strict or unusual, they are usually designed with the intention of teaching important life lessons and values.
1. Curfew Was Non-Negotiable
Strict parents were known for enforcing strict curfews on their children. No matter the occasion or how responsible the child might be, curfew time was sacrosanct. This meant that even on special occasions like birthdays or school events, these kids had to be back home before the clock struck a certain hour. The reasoning behind this was often a mix of safety concerns and a desire to instill discipline and responsibility in their offspring.
2. Chores Were a Daily Ritual
In households with strict parents, chores were not an occasional or weekend activity; they were a daily ritual. Kids were expected to pitch in with household tasks, from doing the dishes to mowing the lawn. This not only taught them valuable life skills but also instilled a sense of responsibility and the importance of contributing to the family’s well-being.
3. No Sleepovers on School Nights
Sleepovers were a coveted activity for many children, but strict parents had a strict “no sleepovers on school nights” policy. This meant that weekday sleepovers with friends were out of the question. The rationale behind this rule was to ensure that their kids got enough sleep and were well-rested for school the next day, prioritizing education over social activities during the week.
4. Homework Came First, Always
Homework was a top priority in households with strict parents. These parents emphasized the importance of academics and expected their children to complete their homework before engaging in any leisure activities. Whether it was playing outside, watching TV, or hanging out with friends, everything had to wait until the homework was done. This rule was aimed at fostering good study habits and academic success.
5. Limited Screen Time
Strict parents often imposed limits on screen time. Whether it was television, video games, or computer usage, children with strict parents had a specific allotment of time for these activities. This was done to prevent excessive exposure to screens and encourage other forms of play, reading, or outdoor activities. It was seen as a way to maintain a healthy balance between digital entertainment and real-life experiences.
6. Dress Code Was Enforced
In households with strict parents, there was often a dress code in place, especially when it came to leaving the house. These parents had certain standards of modesty and appropriateness that they expected their children to adhere to. This included guidelines on the length of skirts or shorts, the type of clothing, and even restrictions on wearing certain items like revealing or offensive attire.
7. Politeness Was Non-Negotiable
Manners and politeness were highly valued in households with strict parents. Children were expected to address adults with “Mr.” or “Mrs.” and use “please” and “thank you” without fail. Disrespectful behavior, backtalk, or rudeness were met with swift consequences. This rule was aimed at instilling respect and courtesy in their children, both at home and in the wider world.
8. Extracurricular Activities Were Limited
While strict parents recognized the importance of extracurricular activities, they often limited the number of activities their children could participate in. This was to ensure that their kids didn’t become overscheduled and overwhelmed. Strict parents believed in the value of balance and wanted to avoid the stress and exhaustion that can come from overcommitting to various activities.
9. No Dating Until a Certain Age
Dating was a subject of contention in households with strict parents. Many of them had a rule that their children couldn’t date until they reached a certain age or demonstrated a certain level of maturity. This rule was often enforced to protect their children from premature romantic involvement and to prioritize their emotional well-being.
10. Family Dinners Were Mandatory
Strict parents valued family time, and one way they ensured it was by making family dinners mandatory. Regardless of their busy schedules, everyone in the family was expected to gather around the table for dinner. This rule was designed to promote bonding, communication, and a sense of togetherness among family members.
11. Mandatory Homework Check-Ins
Strict parents were known for their commitment to their children’s education. In addition to enforcing strict homework completion rules, they often went the extra mile with mandatory homework check-ins. This meant that every evening, parents would sit down with their kids to review assignments, offer assistance, and ensure that their children were not only completing their work but also understanding the material.
12. The “No Excuses” Attendance Policy
In households with strict parents, there was a “no excuses” attendance policy. This meant that children were expected to attend school every day unless they were genuinely ill. Even on days when they didn’t feel like going to school or had minor ailments, the expectation was to tough it out and go to class. This rule was rooted in the belief that consistent attendance was vital for academic success.
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