Is Laptop Millionaire A Scam? – My Honest Review

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In recent years, the Laptop Millionaire has been among the most popular primers on affiliate marketing. But let’s face it, popularity doesn’t always equal quality. So is Laptop Millionaire a scam? Find out in this review!
Product Name:The Laptop MillionaireFounder: Mark AnastasiProduct Type: Book (The Laptop Millionaire – How Anyone Can Escape The 9 To 5 And Make Money Online)Price: $14Best For: The Laptop Millionaire is designed for people who want financial and location independence and those looking to break into internet marketing, with an emphasis on affiliate marketing in particular.
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Summary: The Laptop Millionaire is an interesting and inspirational read on making money online for internet-savvy individuals with a strong work ethic. That said, the book makes some wild and rosy claims of making $10,000 a month right out the gate, which seems pretty unreasonable for beginners. Still, the book offers some unique insights, making it a worthwhile read.Rating: 5.5/10Recommended:Yes
The Laptop Millionaire is a guidebook that contains 32 steps to financial freedom. The author, Mark Anastasi, purportedly used these steps to make a fortune online and claims that anyone can become financially self-sufficient within three months or less.
Most of the money you’re taught to generate results in passive income from a combination of affiliate marketing, social media, email marketing campaigns, and other methods — the exact system that enabled the author to leave the 9 to 5 and realize total financial autonomy.
The book is broken down into several small steps that, when applied, supposedly lead to big payouts. Among other things, you’ll learn how to build profitable affiliate marketing campaigns, as well as useful tips on how to approach your business and day-to-day operations.
So who is the Laptop Millionaire for? Basically, anyone craving financial and location independence, enabling you to work whenever and wherever you want from a laptop without needing a brick and mortar office. In other words, the book caters to those who wish to become “digital nomads” — a new breed of entrepreneurs. [source]Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll find inside the Laptop Millionaire:
- Fast and easy ways to create an eBook
- How to build your email mailing list
- How to use your content and keywords to increase SEO
- Seven simple ways to create YouTube videos
- How to use Facebook ads to your advantage
- Six ways to make money with Twitter
- How to hire outsourcers and automate your business
- A proven system to building a profitable membership site
- Seven steps to getting started in media buying
- Plus, much much more
The Laptop Millionaire claims you can make $10,000 in your first month, but if you have any experience with making money online, you already know how misleading that statement is.
To be blunt, people without prior affiliate marketing experience, a fan base or existing web presence won’t make anywhere near that amount of money in such a short span of time.
Even if you do everything right when setting up your website and social media pages, you’d still need superpowers to pull off making $10,000 in your first month. It’s just not feasible. A more believable scenario is earning a couple hundred dollars in revenue in your first few months.
But even then, you’d still have to work very hard and possibly even buy some paid ads to reach that level of income. Just remember, affiliate marketing isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme.
Readers seem split on whether the Laptop Millionaire is an effective book. For one thing, most agree that making $10,000 in your first month, as the author suggests, seems highly overblown. But they got a lot out of it in other ways, especially Mark Anastasi’s thirty-two ways to a better outlook on life and business, as well as ways to maximize your time and energy.
Aside from unrealistic money claims, many readers also found affiliate marketing too saturated to break into (a common myth I dispel here).
Ultimately, positive results seemed to come down to how much work the readers were willing to put in. Those who spent a lot of time and money promoting their online presence seemed to fare better than those who put in a minimum amount of effort.
No doubt, affiliate marketing isn’t easy, but so long as you create a lot of valuable content, you’ll start seeing traffic, and advertisers and affiliate partners will start to contact you.
- You Can Make Money if You Put in the WorkWhile you won’t become a millionaire overnight by applying the methods taught in this book, there’s certainly money to be made in affiliate marketing if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. With some patience and hard work, you’ll start to see results.
- The Book Offers Brand New Ways of ThinkingThe thirty-two steps outlined in the book offer several new ways of thinking that will transform the way you go about your day. Simply by thinking like a millionaire can change your perspective for the better. The steps are also highly motivational, making it easier to put in the effort.
- The Author is Proof That Affiliate Marketing WorksThe author, Mark Anastasi, has tried all the methods outlined in the book and became wildly successful in the process. While it’s very unlikely beginners will reach that level of success in the time Mark did, it’s still proof you can make a decent income.
- Ripe with ExaggerationsThe book makes exaggerated claims about your earning potential and the time it takes to reach those numbers. Let’s face it, most people won’t reap the immediate, huge rewards promised by the author. You have to work very hard to make money at affiliate marketing and email marketing.
- Outdated ContentOriginally published in 2012 with no updates since, the methods taught in the Laptop Millionaire are a bit outdated at times, especially considering how fast the world of internet marketing moves. Still, the general principles about affiliate marketing and mindset never change and so this book still provides value.
As a whole, the Laptop Millionaire is a good read and can put budding internet marketers on the right path to success. That said, it’s not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. So is Laptop Millionaire a scam? No, I wouldn’t call it that, but you have to be realistic about your expectations.
Keep in mind that the Laptop Millionaire is only a book and thus limited as far as what it can offer…
Who’s going to help you get your website up and running?
Who’s going to show you exactly how to set up your email autoresponder?
Who’s going to be there when you need support when you hit a snag or just need some motivation from like-minded folks aspiring toward the same goals?
The Laptop Millionaire can’t possibly help you in any of these ways nor offer any kind of personal guidance for that matter. After all, it’s only a book.
But if you’re serious about starting a lucrative affiliate marketing business from home, you need the proper training, not to mention tools and resources to get where you want to be.
There’s only one platform that delivers all the goods and that’s Wealthy Affiliate — an all-inclusive step-by-step training program that teaches you all you need to know about affiliate marketing. It helped me reach my financial goals and it can help you too.
What do you think of my Laptop Millionaire review? Leave your questions and comments below!