How Long Does It Take To Paint a Room?

Painting a room can be considered a monumental task. It takes tons of preparation to ensure a successful paint job! But given the time it takes to prepare a room before painting, how long does it take to paint a room? This article is the ultimate guide for how long it takes to paint different room sizes!
It takes between two and four days to paint an average-sized room properly. The time period includes preparing for the paint job, applying multiple coats, allowing the paint to dry, and cleaning up the space.
The exact time to finish painting a room will depend on its size and a combination of the other factors mentioned above. In this article, we’ll explore the average time it takes to paint a room and look at some factors that might affect this.
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Here’s What’s In This Article
- How Long Does It Take To Paint a 12X12 Room?
- How Long Does It Take To Paint a 10X10 Room?
- How Long Does a Painted Room Take To Dry?
- Factors Affecting How Long It Takes To Paint a Room
- Final Thoughts
- More Articles For Your Next Project
How Long Does It Take To Paint a 12X12 Room?
12X12 is the size of an average room and typically the size of most bedrooms. As such, figuring out how long it takes to paint such a room can give you clues about how long it takes to paint a room in general.
It takes between four and six hours to paint a 12X12 room. The ceiling and trim can also be painted within this duration. This time doesn’t include applying a primer and waiting for the first layer to dry before applying the rest.
A 12X12 room typically takes longer to paint because rooms of this size usually occupy important positions in the house. Most 12X12 rooms tend to be the bedroom, and there’s usually plenty of furniture and other accessories in the bedroom.
So while painting the room may not take too long, removing the furniture safely before applying the first coat can take a chunk of your time. And if you want to paint the room properly, you should spend at least a day or two getting it done.
This time will include applying primer, so the paint color is more prominent and allowing the first coat to dry properly before you use the second.
How Long Does It Take To Paint a 10X10 Room?
10X10 rooms aren’t that much smaller than 12X12 rooms. However, these rooms usually take less time to paint due to their nature and what’s stored in them. 10X10 rooms are typically used as study areas or to store unused furniture and other paraphernalia.
It takes one to two hours to paint a 10X10 room if you’re looking to coat all four walls with paint. This time won’t include allowing the paint to dry and applying a second coat as the paint dries at the same rate, irrespective of the room’s size.
Of course, 10X10 rooms take far less time to paint, considering all four sides of the room are significantly smaller. But if you want to do a proper job, it’s best to give yourself at least two days for any room.
How Long Does a Painted Room Take To Dry?
Most people want to know how long it takes to paint a room so they’re aware of when they can start using it again. However, painting the room alone won’t do; you’ll have to wait for the paint to dry before moving things back in and occupying the space.
A painted room takes between two and eight hours to dry thoroughly. Oil-based paints can take between six to eight hours to dry fully, while latex paints take a maximum of two hours to dry.
And if you’re planning to apply a second coat, you must wait for the first coat to completely dry so you don’t mess up the room’s aesthetic. Latex paints can be painted over just four hours after they dry, but you need to leave oil-based paints for at least twenty-four hours before applying the second coat.
Factors Affecting How Long It Takes To Paint a Room
You’ve seen the average time it takes to paint a room of any size. However, the time it takes to paint a room properly depends on several factors.
Paint Used
As mentioned, oil-based paints take longer to dry, and you’ll have to wait a while longer before applying a second coat. Latex paints take much less time to dry, and you can quickly apply a second coat if needed. So the time you take to paint a room will depend on the kind of paint you’re using.
Preparing the room for a paint job can often take longer than the actual painting, depending on the size of the room and the elements in the room. Sometimes, you may need to move multiple pieces of furniture or remove wall decorations from the room. In other instances, you’ll have to cover some surfaces in the room that can’t be removed before the paint job.
The condition of the room also determines the length of the painting process. When the walls are in poor condition, it may take longer to prepare the surface before painting.
Layers Applied
You often want to apply at least two layers of paint to any surface for a more finished, professional look. And you need to factor in the time it takes for the first layer to dry before applying the second.
Additionally, most painters like to add a primer before the paint to make the colors pop. However, you’ll need to wait for the primer to dry before moving ahead. In some cases, you may want to add a layer of sealant once the final layer of paint has dried.
So, the time it takes to paint a room also depends on the layers of paint you’re adding to the room.
Final Thoughts
Painting a room can be challenging, but it’s worth investing time and money to renovate a space in your house. So, how long does it take to paint a room? While you can do a quick job and paint the room in a few hours, it’s best to give yourself at least a week to finish the job correctly.
While painting this way may take longer, it’s a better option than doing a partial job and having to repaint the room too early because the previous job wasn’t done well.